Ø I-SOFT DOSING We will be providing I-Soft Dosing system as pre-treatment. This is being done to take of the organics in the water and also as an oxidant to oxidize dissolved ferrous form of iron to ferric form.This also includes a Multigrade Sand Filter.
Ø KATALOX LIGHT CHAMBER The oxidized Water is then entered into the Katalox Light Chamber for the removal of Suspended Solids & ferric ions present in the water. The unit consists of quartz sand media for the purpose. The unit should be backwashed in a day or whenever the pressure drop exceeds 0.8 Kg/cm2, whichever is earlier.
Ø FILTERSORB ( SP3 ) CHAMBER Then the water passes through the Filtersorb ( SP3 ) media for removing the hardness & turbidity from the raw water.
Ø ACTIVATED CARBON CHAMBER The Filter Water is then entered into the Activated Carbon Filter (ACF) for the removal of Suspended Solids & ferric ions present in the water. The unit consists of quartz sand media for the purpose. The unit should be backwashed in a day or whenever the pressure drop exceeds 0.8 Kg/cm2, whichever is earlier.
Ø MICRON CARTRIDGE FILTER. We have provided micron filter unit, which removes fine suspended solids, which may have escaped from upstream units. This unit can remove fine solids up to 5 micron, which if carried over can clog the RO membrane.
Ø HIGH PRESSURE PUMP The Filtered Water is then pumped to a R.O. System through a High Pressure Pump. For the development of High pressure required for RO System we have offered multi stage centrifugal pumps from Grundfos Pump.
Ø ANTISCALLENT DOSING SYSTEM We will be providing Anti Scalant Dosing system to prevent of the scaling of the membranes.
Ø MICRON CARTRIDGE FILTER We have provided micron filter unit, which removes fine suspended solids, which may have escaped from upstream units. This unit can remove fine solids up to 5 micron, which if carried over can clog the RO membrane.
Ø R.O. MEMBRANE The R.O. System consists of spirally wound R.O Membranes with FRP Pressure tubes. The R.O system is offered for Salt reduction so as to achieve the desired treated water quality. Normally the RO Membrane has a salt rejection of 90 – 95 %.
The permeate water being acidic in nature will not be fit for consumption without adequate ph correction. The ph of the permeate will be maintained at 6.8±0.2 with the help of an auto ph controller.
Ø U.V.STERILIZER UV sterilizers utilize germicidal ultraviolet lamps that produce short wave radiation lethal to bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms present in water. Ultraviolet water treatment purification is a unique and rapid method of water disinfection without the use of heat or chemicals.
Ø OZONATION SYSTEM Ozone is a high energy and very unstable molecule composed of three oxygen atoms (O3). The extra atom of oxygen attempts to recombine any things in its path in order to stabilise. When it comes in contact with contaminants such as Bacteria, Virus, or Organic Waste Materials Ozone acts as an oxidizer. Ozone is the strongest oxidizer commercially available.
Ø ULTRA VIOLET SYSTEM UV sterilizers utilize germicidal ultraviolet lamps that produce short wave radiation lethal to bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms present in water. Ultraviolet water treatment purification is a unique and rapid method of water disinfection without the use of heat or chemicals.
Ø MICRON CARTRIDGE FILTER We have provided micron filter unit, which removes fine suspended solids, which may have escaped from upstream units. This unit can remove fine solids up to 5 micron, which if carried over can clog the RO membrane.
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